We specialize in personalized, evidence-based social skills instruction.

Research shows better generalization of skills when therapy is at home with parent involvement. Across two decades of field experience, we’ve found incredible success pairing this approach with an individualized plan for social skills development.

Based on your child’s needs and natural environment, we create a tailored behavior plan, using our highly successful 3-Tier Model.

The 3-Tier Model focuses on your child’s natural environment, with a strong emphasis on parent coaching. You’ll be guided through each step of the behavior plan, and receive detailed lessons and strategies so you can practice skills with your child at home.

The Strategies for Social Success 3-Tier Model

Tier 1 - One on One

We start by working 1:1 with the individual to deeply understand their unique skill levels, challenges, and preferences. We provide individualized instruction until the child or young adult successfully demonstrates key skills 1:1.

Tier 3 - Natural Environment

We coach the child or young adult in an appropriate natural setting (such as soccer practice, school, chess club, parties, etc). We are always as discreet as possible when coaching from a distance to encourage the individual to become more and more independent over time.

Tier 2 - Peer to Peer

We incorporate a socially adept peer mentor of similar age so that the child or young adult can practice in a natural and comfortable setting where skills will be well received.

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